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MIT Virtual Event - Holiday Bazaar Extravaganza

Please join Millennials in Travel as we gladly say goodbye to 2020 with a fun virtual holiday bazaar!

On Thursday, December 10th, we'll start off with goodbye toast to worst year ever followed by a virtual holiday extravaganza!

We're still putting the final touches on what you'll see, smell and even taste as we explore the other side of the pond, but can assure you that you won't want to miss this event!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make mulled wine? Well, our friends at the Austrian Tourist Office will show you their holiday specialty of Gluhwein. (Post Event Update: Check out the recipe here!)

We'll have a couple more interactive experiences and then a trivia about the holidays in Europe (hint: make sure to pay attention during the demonstrations and videos!)

This virtual event is free to all Millennials in the travel industry, but RSVP is required to receive log in details for the Zoom-hosted event.

Prior to the event, remember to:

  • Upload your favorite holiday movie background!

  • Bring out that ugly Christmas sweater!

  • Grab your significant other, colleague, roommate or quarantine companion to join in on the fun!

  • Stock up on your favorite winter beverage!

  • Download the Kahoot App on your phone/ipad.

  • And be on the lookout for an email on December 8th with a list of things you may want to have available for the party!

Event starts promptly at 4:00 PT / 6:00 CT / 7:00 ET and will last for 90 minutes. Attendees will be muted for the introduction but there will be an opportunity for networking at the end following trivia.

And following the trivia, we'll have a variety of prizes to give away for participation and trivia winners!

We look forward to “seeing” you in the virtual world!

- The Millennials in Travel National Leadership & Chapter Officers

You can watch the first half of the virtual event here!